Diffusing Essential Oils

Diffusing essential oils is my favorite way to use them. This is like having a natural, healthy, aroma for your room without all of the nasty issues that go along with burning candles or using wall socket plug ins.  Diffusing essential oils allows you and your family to enjoy the aromatic therapeutic benefits of essential oils while also freshening the air.

Where to get a diffuser?   There are many awesome diffusers on the market.  Here’s a link of several available on Amazon. I’m an Amazon affiliate which means that if you decide to purchase a product after clicking on this link, they send me a little thank you check at no extra cost to you.

What type of diffuser to use? You want to use a cold vapor type of diffuser, because heating therapeutic essential oils can change their properties thus losing some of the benefits. The larger the water reservoir the longer the machine can diffuse. Many diffusers have timers, lights, or auto turn off when empty. There are so many styles to fit your room décor or purpose. My daughter uses one as a night light for her room.

How do you use a diffuser?  To use, simply add your essential oil drops (5-8 depending on the size of your diffuser), fill the reservoir with room temperature tap water, and then plug in and turn on. You are good to go. Easy!  Note: most diffusers have a max fill line. Make sure you don’t fill the water above that line. If you do, the diffuser vapor may not come out. That cold vapor is what brings you the wonderful aromatic and therapeutic benefits.

Below are a few of our Family Favorite blends to diffuse.

Spring Fever Essential Oil Diffuser Blend
Invigorate Essential Oil Diffuser Blend
Rest Essential Oil Diffuser Blend
Neutralize Essential Oil Diffuser Blend

If you’d like to find out how to purchase essential oils at a wholesale price, click here.

Go Away Bug Repellent – Essential Oil Spray

Essential Oil Spray Uses


  • Spray oil and water mixture in door and window entryways, garage and basement perimeter to deter bugs from crossing into the area. You can also use this same spray in your garden around planting areas to deter garden pests from attacking plants.
  • Peppermint Essential Oil is know to deter Ants, Aphids, Beetles, Caterpillars, Flies, Gnats, Mosquitoes, Head Lice, Plant Lice, Moths, Spiders.
  • Wild Orange Essential Oil is know to deter Chiggers, Cutworms, Flies, Gnats, Mosquitoes, Head Lice, Plant Lice, Moths, Roaches, Slugs, Snails, Spiders, Ticks, Weevils.




To Order essential oil www.mydoterra.com/danamitchell



  1. Gather your supplies and cover your work surface with an absorbent cloth. Some essential oils may dull the finish of your work surface if accidently absorbed.
  2. Select your glass or stainless steel bottle. This recipe calls for a 4 oz bottle, but you are welcome to use larger spray bottles. Just make sure to increase the amount of oil and water in the recipe. Note: Some essential oils will degrade plastic or foam, so we recommend glass or stainless steep when making sprays containing essential oils.
  3. Apply a label to your glass bottle identifying what’s inside or what the mixture is used for. We called our mixture Go Away Bug Spray. Visit my Amazon affiliate link to view label options. You will not incur any additional cost by using this link, this is simply Amazon’s way to thank me for suggesting some of their products to you.
  4. Add essential oil to your glass spray bottle by tilting the essential oil bottle on its side. Do not shake the oil from the bottle – you will add more drops that you intended.  Add a total of 10 drops of essential oil. We used 8 drops Peppermint Essential Oil and 2 drops Wild Orange Essential Oil.
  5. Add about 4 oz (1/2 cup) of water to your bottle.  We used tap water, because we intended to use the spray immediately. If you are making the spray to store for later, use distilled water.
  6. Secure the spray nozzle to the bottle and shake the liquid to mix.
  7. You are ready to spray your entry ways, windowsills, garage, basement, or garden beds.  Oil and water don’t mix well, so make sure to give it a shake as you spray.
Essential Oils Daily Routine

Essential Oils Daily Routine

If you are new to essential oils or have just received your enrollment kit, you may be thinking NOW WHAT?

Finding a way to incorporate oils into your daily routine is a great way to start using your oils.  We all have different conditions or challenges not to mention each of us has a different body chemistry, so it may take a little trial and error to see which oils will work for you. Here are a few examples of oils to use in your daily routine.

Suggestion 1: 


  • Frankincense: 2 drops on bottom of feet or under tongue
  • Balance: 2 drops on bottom of feet
  • On Guard: 2 drops on bottom of feet


  • Lemon, Wild Orange, Lime, or Grapefruit: 5 drops in water bottle throughout day (glass or stainless steel bottles)
  • Diffuse your favorite uplifting oils as needed


  • Lavender: 1-2 drops on bottom of feet, then rub hands on pillow (alternative relaxing oils: Serenity, Balance, Vetiver)
  • Serenity (or others): diffused while sleeping

As Needed:

  • For cold/flu: 3 drops each of Melaleuca/Thyme, Lemon, Oregano, On Guard in an empty capsule or bottoms of feet– take every few hours until symptoms subside

Suggestion 2:

Dr. Hill (Medical Director for DoTerra) recommends the following daily routine.

  • Apply Peppermint and Frankincense to the Bottom of Your Feet When you Wake
  • Diffuse Citrus Bliss, Purify or On-Guard
  • Apply Serenity to Temple an Back of Your Neck Mid-Day
  • Add Peppermint and Lemon to Your Water During the Day
  • Apply Lavender to the Bottom of Your Feet at Night


Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint Essential Oil

Today’s Video Blog Episode highlights Peppermint Essential Oil benefits and uses.


The peppermint plant is actually a hybrid of watermint and spearmint and was first described by Carl Linneaus in 1753. Peppermint is frequently used in toothpaste and chewing gum for oral health, and also helps to alleviate stomach upset and promotes healthy respiratory function.


Allergy Bomb

Allergy Bomb – Lemon, Lavender & Peppermint


Quality does matter and a way to differentiate between brands is by a high menthol content of the peppermint essential oil.  The brand that I use in our home is known for their quality essential oils.  Peppermint continues to be one of the best-selling favorites among the line of essential oils. 


Watch the video below to learn why I use peppermint almost everyday.

Items mentioned in this episode:


100 Uses For Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint Essential OilUses for Peppermint Essential Oil

  • Calm that tummy.  Just one drop of peppermint oil rubbed on the stomach or taken internally can calm indigestion, an upset stomach or other internal digestive commotion.
  • Freshen that breath. When your breath is sharp and your mouth feels furry, peppermint oil with water (and lemon oil) creates a healthy, refreshing mouth rinse that leaves a lasting crisp, clean feeling.
  • Fight that cold naturally. When sinuses seem to be clogged, and throats swollen and scratchy, diffuse peppermint oil (or apply topically on the chest) for almost immediate relief and revitalizing air flow. Peppermint acts as an expectorant and may provide relief for colds, cough, sinusitis, asthma, and bronchitis.
  • Cool those muscles down. After a workout when you feel those hot and achy muscles yelling at you, peppermint oil mixed with lavender oil cools like an ice bath, but you to stay warm and dry.
  • Feel Full, Faster. It’s about feeling full, and not overeating. The aroma of peppermint oil has the ability to make you feel full, faster… especially if you breathe it in during a meal!
  • Long Day Pick Me Up. The invigorating aroma of peppermint is a non-stimulating way to perk up on long drives, in school, during late night homework or any other time you need to “burn the midnight oil.”
  • Want more ideas?  Click to download or print uses for Peppermint Essential Oil



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